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Thinking About Having Blown Attic Insulation Installed? Here's What You'Ll Need To Know

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If you can't seem to keep your home nice and warm this winter, you may be dealing with attic insulation problems. Blown insulation is one of several methods that you can use to add insulation material to your home's attic space. The following details how the process works, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

How Does It Work?

The concept behind blown insulation is a relatively simple one. Instead of using solid fiberglass batts, installers use specialized pneumatic equipment to blow insulation into the attic space until the appropriate density has been reached. The loose material used for blown insulation is usually made up of cellulose, mineral wool or fiberglass.

Each material has its own R-values and unique insulation properties. For example, blown mineral wool features an R-value of 3.10 per inch of blown insulation, while cellulose and fiberglass offer R-values of 3.21 and 2.20 per inch, respectively.

How Much Does It Cost?

According to The Family Handyman, you can expect a professional to charge anywhere from $1,500 to $2,000 to blow insulation into a 1,200-square-foot home. Keep in mind that the cost of having your attic insulated using this method depends not only on the type of insulating material used but also the square footage of your home as well as any discounts or specials offered by the installing contractor.

You could always save on the cost of labor by installing the insulation yourself. However, the process could turn out to be tedious and time-consuming for do-it-yourselfers. Plus, there's also the cost and hassle of renting the equipment needed to carry out the installation. In most cases, it's easier to have the professionals handle the task.

What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks?

One benefit of blown attic insulation is its ability to reach areas that are normally difficult to insulate. Blown attic insulation is perfect for insulating enclosed cavities and awkward areas. Blown cellulose insulation is also ideal for green home improvement projects, given that it's made out of recycled newspapers and other paper products.

However, there are a couple of downsides to consider:

  • Blown attic insulation settles over time, which could result in a slight loss of R-value.
  • Blown attic insulation can become prone to mold and mildew development if it's exposed to intense levels of moisture for long periods of time.

Is It Better Than Fiberglass Batt Insulation?

Blown attic insulation is often an attractive alternative to fiberglass batts due to the former method's ability to fill in various spaces within the attic. In contrast, fiberglass batts are bound to leave behind gaps and voids unless specific pieces are cut out and pushed into place. However, fiberglass batts don't require the specialized equipment needed for blown attic insulation, making the installation process cheaper, not to mention easier for do-it-yourselfers to complete.

For more information, consider contacting a professional like those at All Weather Shield Inc.  
