Perennial Flowers Not Growing Well This Season? 2 Possible Reasons
It's always great to see your perennial flowers start blooming after a long winter. When flowers do not grow well, however, it can be difficult to determine why. If you have perennials that do not look healthy and are not blooming, below are two possible reasons.
Weeds not only look unsightly, but they can harm your flowers. This is because when you water your perennials, the roots from the weeds steel this moisture from the perennial roots. If you have a lot of weeds in your flower garden, this can dry out the roots and cause the flowers to be unhealthy and even die.
Be diligent in removing weeds. One of the best ways to do this is by simply pulling them out by hand. When doing this, however, you have to make sure when you pull the weed that you also pull out the root. If you do not, the weed will just grow back again. They make a simple tool that you can find at garden centers that is made specifically to remove weeds.
If you have too many weeds to pull by hand, you can purchase a contact spray weed killer at garden centers. This type of weed killer has a nozzle that allows you to concentrate the spray on the weed. Read the label to ensure you are using the product carefully. Only spray it when the air is calm so wind does not blow the spray around your flowers. You can also cover up nearby plants with cardboard to further protect them.
Soil Nutrients
The problem could be there are not enough nutrients in your soil. Purchase a soil test kit at a garden center. Follow the directions on how to use it. When you are finished, this kit will tell you what nutrients it is lacking in. The nutrients soil needs are Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorous (P), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and Sulfur (S). You can then go to a garden center and purchase the fertilizer you need. Take your soil test with you and the employees at the garden center can help you choose the right fertilizer.
If you want to get an exact measurement of nutrients your soil needs, gather up a sample of your soil and take it to your local extension office. You can put the soil in a plastic bag with a zip lock or you can put it in a container with a secure lid. They can do a test using special equipment that is much more accurate than what you can purchase at a garden center.
Add mulch to your soil when you are finished weeding and adding the nutrients. Mulch helps keep your perennials hydrated and will block out weeds. For more information, contact a company like ASE Pest & Weed Supplies.