4 Tips For Adding Wallpaper To Your Home Decor
Wallpaper can dramatically change the appearance of a room, but hanging wallpaper is not something that should be done on a whim. Since wallpaper can be a big commitment, it is in your best interest to take your time when it comes to utilizing wallpaper in your home. If you're very interested in adding wallpaper in one or more rooms in your house, use the following tips:
Get Samples
One of the most important things you can do before purchasing wallpaper is get several samples. Many wallpaper manufacturers offer samples that are quite large, so you can attach them to a wall with tape. This will give you a better idea of how the wallpaper will look with your current furniture and in different lighting. Ideally, you should keep the samples up for several days so you can figure out which pattern best suits your personal taste and the style of your home.
Consider an Accent Wall
If you love a wallpaper that is a very bold color or has a busy pattern, you may want to consider hanging the wallpaper on just one accent wall in a room. This will help prevent the wallpaper from overpowering the room and distracting from the rest of your home decor. Also consider your personal style — if you're a person who likes to change things up in your home on a regular basis, you may want to opt for wallpaper that is subtle in color and texture so it will complement any new furniture you may purchase in the future.
Know How Much to Buy
Before purchasing wallpaper, it is very important to know exactly how much you will need to cover an area in your home. Since rolls of wallpaper are usually carefully cut to ensure that no seams show on your wall, you will need to buy all that you need at the same time. Have a professional wall paper hanger or interior designer measure your walls to determine how much wallpaper you should buy.
Hire a Professional to Install Wallpaper
Wallpaper can look absolutely amazing, but if it is not installed properly, it can look terrible. When it comes to wallpaper, it is in your best interest to hire a professional wallpaper hanger to do the installation. This will ensure that the wallpaper is properly lined up and adhered to the wall so you can enjoy it for many years to come.
For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like http://www.dschultzwallcoverings.com.