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Do-It-Yourself Sprinkler System Installation

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As the days begin to get warmer, you may start thinking about sprucing up your yard with some beautiful landscaping.  Perhaps you are considering adding a sprinkler system to take care of your newly planted flowers and shrubbery.  Maybe you are even planning on installing your own sprinkler system to save a little money.  A do-it-yourself job will cost you only about half the price of having one installed professionally, but it may not be as easy as you think.…

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3 Things To Splurge On When Constructing Your Tiny House

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Tiny houses are sweeping the nation; with their popularity being attributed to their affordability. While the primary purpose behind many tiny house constructions projects is to save some money, it is important for future tiny home owners to realize that being frugal doesn’t mean you have to give up on some basic luxuries. Here are three things you should splurge on if you are planning to build a tiny house in the future.…

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Choose The Prettiest Shrubs For Your Hedges

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Are you looking to create some privacy in your yard? Perhaps you’d like a manicured hedge that clearly delineates your space. Or maybe you’d like to be a little more covert about your seclusion, selecting beautiful shrubs that also happen to afford you privacy. Choose pretty and hardy shrubs for your yard’s hedge. Hardy Standard Bushes Standard hedge plants not only provide you with privacy, they also block the wind and buffer noise.…

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Steps You Can Take To Keep Bed Bugs Out Of Your Home

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Having a bed bug infestation can be devastating both emotionally and financially. Not only are bed bugs very difficult to get rid of, they can physically bite you and cause skin irritation. Home remedies often don’t work and can leave you with a larger infestation of bed bugs over time. Here are some ways you can make the eradication process a successful one. Is It Bed Bugs Or Something Else? Like other pests that can invade your home, bed bugs aren’t always visibly noticeable.…

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How To Update Your Landscaping With Retaining Wall Blocks

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One great way to add more style to your landscaping is to add some hardscape features. Hardscaping can be a practical and functional addition to any yard. Retaining walls are an essential element of any landscape design. Smartly installed retaining walls will be both functional and stylish. This article will highlight how to build and use a simple retaining wall that will make your landscaping more stylish. Building a Wall with Retaining Wall Blocks…

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What To Do If Your Paving Stones Are Uneven

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When you add paving stones to your yard, whether for a walkway, patio, or as stepping stones to your garden, you expect them to be even. Even if the ground was even when they were installed, they can become uneven over time. This is especially true when they start sinking into the ground from being stepped on. If this happens, you may need to adjust them to make them even again, which you can do with these simple instructions.…

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3 Way To Better Your Furniture Shopping Experience

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Are you getting ready to replace your home furniture? If so, getting quality and attractive furniture items is definitely something you are concerned about. Replacing many of your furniture items can be extremely expensive, especially if you are looking for complete sets. This can make shopping very stressful and difficult, which is why it is important that you find a furniture store that provides you with a great shopping experience. There are a few things to look into when selecting a furniture store, such as:…

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Self Storage Tips: How To Store Your Wigs, Long & Short-Term

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All of your wigs have given you the opportunity to shine in various ways. So the least that you can do for your wigs is store them correctly. The following is a simple yet necessary guide to help you store your wigs in a storage facility for both short and long-term periods of time.  Clean & Detangle The first thing you need to know about storing your wigs is that they need to be in great condition before storing them.…

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How To Keep Your Florist's Plants Alive

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Long-lived perennial plants are a popular choice for florist’s gifts, but many times they are treated as annuals because it’s difficult to keep them alive for more than a few months. A combination of proper care in the beginning and ongoing maintenance can make a simple gift last for many years. Step 1: Add Some Drainage Many small plants that come from the florist aren’t potted for long term display. They may have a decorative foil or plastic around the pot, which looks nice on display and keeps store shelves clean, but will lead to rot if you leave it on at home.…

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Little House In The Suburbs: Big Decorating Tips For Tiny Rooms

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Having a small house doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the same benefits of having a larger home. In fact, owning a smaller home makes sense in a variety of ways. Smaller homes cost less. They are cheaper to heat in the winter months and easier to cool in the summer months. Less square footage means less overall area to clean and maintain. Smaller homes function just as well as larger homes when you select the proper furnishings and décor to make your home more efficient.…

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